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Our Main Aims Are:

  • To teach the children the stories and message of the Bible that centre in God’s revelation of Himself in Jesus Christ
  • To show children by teaching and by example that the Bible presents a Christian perspective on the whole of life
  • To encourage attitudes of love, understanding and care for one another and care for others which includes a respect of people of other religions and ways of life, and a concern for people in the locality, in the nation and in the world
  • To provide pastoral care to the children and their families
  • To teach the children habits of good behaviour involving self-discipline, attentive listening, the development of a respect and sensitivity for others and the learning and holding of moral values
  • To enable children to develop lively, enquiring minds and the ability to question and argue rationally through interpreting evidence, drawing and questioning conclusions and solving problems
  • To teach children to observe and develop a care for living things
  • To help children to use language effectively by communicating clearly and confidently in speech and in writing in ways appropriate for various occasions and purposes
  • To enable children to read fluently and accurately with understanding and feeling in a carefully monitored programme that allows children to read widely and with discrimination
  • To enable children to develop a clear and good style of handwriting
  • To enable children to understand mathematical skills and to be able to use these skills effectively in the development of ongoing projects involving other areas of the curriculum
  • To enable children to master basic scientific ideas and skills and to use these effectively in investigative activities
  • To enable children in their enquiries to acquire information from various sources and to record information and results in various ways
  • To teach children to be aware of the geographical, historical and social aspects of the local environment and to develop a care for that environment
  • To teach children to be aware of the national heritage and to appreciate human achievement and aspirations
  • To help children to understand the world in which they live and the interdependence of individuals, groups and nations
  • To enable children to develop interests and talents within the context of a wide and balanced curriculum
  • To develop confidence in handling tools and materials in several forms of art and craft as a means of expression
  • To enable children to appreciate and take part in drama and in music, both orally and through the use of instruments and equipment
  • To enable children to develop agility and physical co-ordination, confidence in and through physical activity and the ability to express feeling through movement
  • To create a school environment that, by its excellence, inspires and promotes learning